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**COMPULSORY** use of masks in Spain from TOMORROW - Thursday 21st May

**COMPULSORY** use of MASKS in Spain from TOMORROW!!!; Thursday 21st May

** “The use of a mask will be mandatory in the public highway (anywhere outside), in outdoor spaces and in any closed space for public use or that is open to the public, always when it is NOT POSSIBLE to maintain an interpersonal safety distance of at least two metres”.
(Quoted from BOE)

Use of masks will be compulsory, for the population over the age of 6 years old, from tomorrow in the following places:

“The use of a mask will be mandatory in the public highway (anywhere outside), in outdoor spaces and in any closed space for public use or that is open to the public, always when it is not possible to maintain an interpersonal safety distance of at least two metres”.
(Quoted from BOE)

“For the purposes of the provisions of this order, it will be understood that the obligation referred to in the previous section through the use of any type of mask, preferably hygienic or surgical, covering the nose and mouth”
(Quoted from BOE)

There are some exceptions:

“The obligation contained in the previous paragraph will not be enforceable in the following situations:

a) People who present some type of respiratory difficulty or problem that can be seen aggravated by the use of a mask.

b) Those whom, the use of a mask is contraindicated for reasons of duly justified health, or that due to their disability or dependency present behavioural changes that make their use unfeasible.

c) Development of activities in which, by their very nature, the use of the mask is incompatible.

d) For other justified reasons or necessary situation.”
(Quoted from BOE)

In force from tomorrow until end of State of Alarm & it’s possible extensions.

Read full BOE, released today, here: https://boe.es/boe/dias/2020/05/20/pdfs/BOE-A-2020-5142.pdf

Information we translated from Ministry of Health a few weeks ago about correct use of masks: https://www.facebook.com/338772616310097/posts/1427215567465791/?d=n

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